Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Gods must be Crazy

I cannot stop thinking about that movie. Well, its one of my all time favourites. If only we could go back to a time of such innocence and see the world through the eyes of XiXo.

But even that is really a fantasy. N!xau, who played the role of XiXo, a San from the Kalahari desert was only paid a few hundred dollars for his role in the first film.

N!xau let his first wages blow away in the wind but by the time the second series was made, he was wiser to the ways of our world. He demanded several hundred thousand dollars for the second film.

He became a farmer when his filming career ended and died in 2003, age uncertain.

So, while I enjoy watching XiXo and his clan, its also sad to see the loss of innocence, not only in the film but also in real life.

I started painting many years ago (in the 1980's) while I was studying anthropology. So it seems fitting that my thoughts have returned to a time, long ago, when I used painting to think about and debate anthropological theories. My canvas was a wonderful tool to keep my mind at peace and open worlds and cultures.

Yesterday, I was only able to start painting later in the day and stopped at 3 am this morning.

And strangely, it was thoughts of N!xau and the magnificent Kalahari desert that found its way into a painting of Kilkee!

It's a funny world. Indeed, the gods must be crazy.


Baker Watson said...

How did I miss this post earlier?

(Is that the way you spell it?)

'How did it get up in the tree?'
'She has flowers on her panties.'
'Oh, ok.'
(Or something to that effect. It's been a long time since I saw the movie.)

Hilarious movie and you have to love the XiXo and his innocence.

Avril Brand said...

My husband often teases me because I use the expression as well... :)

Aie ya yai ya yai...

usually its a sign for him to disappear or offer sympathy.

Quite a dilemma really because either way, it could be the wrong gesture. ROFL

And the very elusive rhino who stamps out the fire when Sandra Prinsloo (the actress) is not looking!

Did you ever get to see the second movie? The two little San kiddies trapped in the back of the poacher's truck? Hilarious and nail biting.

Baker Watson said...

Never had a chance to see the second one. I'll have to round it up somewhere.

Speaking of 'wrong gestures' I remember when he was trying to explain about the rhino to Sandra and the guys would nod their heads up and down for 'no' and side to side for 'yes', lol.

Poor guy just couldn't get a break.

I think he played a great part. Quite convincing as a bumbling idiot around the ladies.

Oh - and the Land Rover or whatever - the "Anti-Christ', lol. I have and old Scout vehicle (mid-60's) that reminds me of that one. It's not currently running. I'll have to post a pic of it for you on my Picasa. It even has the removable top and all, lol.

Avril Brand said...

Gosh Baker... you will have to get the second movie! I started to feel so homesick so I ordered all my favourite SA movies a few months ago at

(approx. $16 USD)

They have a great variety of dvds and books.

I would love to see pics of your Land Rover! Let me know when you have it on Picasa. That is a beautiful area you where you live.

Baker Watson said...

I went out and took some pics and posted them. It's not actually a Land Rover but just reminds me of that one. At least the last time I used it the brakes were working, LOL. See the comments on the pics.

BTW, thanks for the link. I added one on my sidebar.

Baker Watson said...

Ooops - My Picasa link is in my signature on Bloggertalk.

And I'll check around here for that second GMBC movie.