Little Sister is one of the four cheetah cubs rescued by Wilma (see posting about "Survivors".) I am not sure what name Wilma chose for her but I think of her as 'Little Sister' or 'Sussie'.
She is cheeky, beautiful and more confident than her siblings. Staring straight at you, challenging and daring.
Most animal paintings take about three months to paint as it's a very slow process, working away, layer after layer. Glazing and painting, every day a little bit at a time.
Every little hair is lovingly painted and I get lost looking into their eyes. Amber and gold, their eyes are liquid pools of honey.
Big cats are fascinating to paint as are all animals, wild or domesticated. Not an easy subject unless you are truly passionate about animals and you are prepared to spend a lot of time on one painting.
I hope to build up my collection of wildlife paintings so that, one day, I can have a solo exhibition of wildlife to help support animal welfare and conservation projects. This little lady was sold to a South African couple as a wedding present and I still miss her little face. It's hard to part with a wildlife painting and I wish I could keep them all.
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals on earth, reaching speeds of up to 100 kph (70mph). Beautiful and sleek, they are the smallest of the big cats and their prey is often stolen by other predators.
Highly threatened, these animals are in great need of protection. For more facts about cheetahs, please visit http://www.cheetah.org and http://www.dewildt.org.za/index.htm
And, should you feel so inclined and have a few coins lying around, please support wildlife conservation or your local animal welfare society.

I can imagine it would be very hard to part with such a painting. You watched her grow stroke by stroke and sat quietly listening as she told you the stories of her life and soul with her eyes.
Ah Baker! You are so right. I miss her little face so much and like all my animals, I could imagine stroking her fur (and having my fingers nipped ROFL ).
But, I was told that her new 'owners' and are very happy to have her and I hope she gives them lots of pleasure for many, many years.
Painting should never just be a 'job'. Artists are often the worse business people as all we want to do is paint and it seems sinful to ask for money for something that makes you so happy to do.
Unfortunately, we have to make a living and its pretty tough in the art world. I wonder if all artists feel the same way as I do?
What a beautiful painting....the eyes say everything....
In 1998 I was fortunate enough to go to South Africa.....while there I went to a conservation project.....they were working with the cheetah and wild dogs....it was quite amazing. I was so sad to hear how both these species are losing their habitat.....
I also went on safari ....the most amazing experience of my life...
Oh thanks for visiting, Cheryl. Yes, it's really bad the way animals are being forced into tighter and tighter areas and in some places, just killed off.
I wish I could send everyone on a safari! It certainly is the most incredible experience and one that can never be forgotten.
Wonderful Painting Avril and thank you for the important link.
Hi Rose
Thank you so much for the visit and comments.
You captured the eyes so well..Amazing
Thank you so much, rambling woods!
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