Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Coffee Time" - still life painting in oils

Oils on canvas (50×40cm)

I found this quaint old coffee grinder in a shop in Miltown Malbay, County Clare and could not resist doing a still life painting. Cute cups, tea sets and all kinds of lovely items can be found in the shop.

And, of course, being a coffee lover, the subject matter kept me refilling the cup. Not good when you are painting as too much caffeine gives you a shaky hand!!


April Jarocka said...

Ha! Coffee time indeed. This is great should do a coffee theme...hope you're well.


Avril Brand said...

Oh I do love my coffee and I know you enjoy a good cup too! Can't start my day without it! I bought another coffee grinder like this one, only in white so maybe in the future I will do the white one too!

Thanks April, and I hope you are well too!